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发布时间: 2022年01月06日浏览次数:

李奇渊 教授/博导





邮    箱:qiyuan.li@xmu.edu.cn




1996~2000 华东理工大学 本科;

2000~2003 我校 细胞生物学 硕士;

2004~2006 丹麦科技大学 生物信息学 硕士;

2006~2010 丹麦科技大学 系统生物学 博士。


2010.03~2012.03 哈佛癌症中心 博士后;

2012.05~2017.11 双色球结果 副教授;

2017.11~至今    双色球结果 教授;我校健康医疗国家研究院 副院长

2015~2022  挂职担任我校附属第一医院儿内科科研副主任,开展儿科遗传性缺陷筛查和科研支撑工作;


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3. Lawrenson K, Li Q, Kar S, et al. Cis-eQTL analysis and functional validation of candidate susceptibility genes for high-grade serous ovarian cancer[J]. Nature Communications, 2015, 6:8234

4. Jintao Guo , Jiankun Huang , Ying Zhou , Yulin Zhou , Liying Yu, Huili Li , Lingyun Hou , Liuwei Zhu , Dandan Ge , Yuanyuan Zeng , Bayasi Guleng* and Qiyuan Li*. Germline and somatic variations influencethe somatic mutational signatures of esophageal squamous cell carcinomas in a Chinese population . BMC Genomics,(2018) 19:538

5. Ke Liu , Jintao Guo , Kuai Liu , Peiyang Fan , Yuanyuan Zeng, Chaoqun Xu, Jiaxin Zhong , Qiyuan Li*, Ying Zhou *. Integrative analysis reveals distinct subtypes with therapeutic implications in KRAS-mutant lung adenocarcinoma . EBioMedicine 36 (2018) 196–208

6. Wu J, Zhong T, Zhu Y, Ge D, Lin X, Li Q*. Effects of particulate matter (PM) on childhood asthma exacerbation and control in Xiamen, China. BMC Pediatrics,  (2019) 19:194

7. Li W, Xu C, Guo J, Liu K, Hu Y, Zou Y, Wei Z, Wang Z, Zhou Y, Li Q. "Cis-and Trans-acting Expression Quantitative Trait Loci of Long Non-coding RNA in 2,549 cancers with potential clinical and therapeutic implications." Frontiers in Oncology 10 (2020): 2279.

8. Wu, J, et al. "IRF4 and STAT3 activities are associated with the imbalanced differentiation of T-cells in responses to inhalable particulate matters." Respiratory Research 21.1 (2020): 1-13
